A school district in Washington state is facing backlash for an online handout given to elementary school students teaching them about gender identity, including the idea that people can be “neither” or “both” genders.

Images of the alleged assignment given to first graders in the Edmonds School District (ESD) were posted to social media by a concerned parent last week. The assignment appeared to outline how gender can be broken down into three categories: a “girl,” a “boy,” and “neither or both.”


The assignment also allegedly asked students to “create a snowperson that is an example of how you identify yourself,” asking them to then explain their choice.

Alleged screenshots of the lesson also show it endorsing children’s books, including one introducing the students “to the nonbinary experience,” done “through an accessible fictional narrative.”

Another one of the books offered is said to “keep the conversations alive,” related to gender pronouns, and “break down assumptions of who is ‘she’ or ‘he’ and expand beyond the binary to include ‘they’ and more.” READ MORE