(Israel365News) – Many people believe that Israel is currently in the period of ‘Final Redemption’ because the Jewish people have returned to the Land of Israel. But one rabbi in the Samaria region of Israel has provided additional Biblical proof of such a phenomenon –

not from the return of the people but rather the return of the land’s fruits and vegetables. Rabbi Yehuda Richter of Kfar Tapuach revealed in a recent lecture how an overlooked prophecy of the Final Redemption in the Book of Ezekiel is happening right now in Israel as we speak:

But you, O mountains of Yisrael, shall yield your produce and bear your fruit for My people Yisrael, for their return is near. (Ezekiel 36:8)


The rabbi explains that according to bonified Torah commentator Nachmanides, when the Land of Israel gives off produce in a “nice fashion”‘ it is a clear sign of the Final Redemption. This produce reveals itself on the fifteenth of the Hebrew month of Shvat (Tu Bshvat) which took place on January 27.

The rabbi supports his assertion noting how King Hezekiah was originally meant to be the Messiah. And so, when God sent the Angel Gabriel to smite 180,000 soldiers from the army of Sennacherib outside of Jerusalem, the oral law states that God first had Gabriel fill the land with lush plantation as that is a prerequisite for the Final Redemption.

That night an angel of Hashem went out and struck down one hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp, and the following morning they were all dead corpses. (Kings 2 19:35) READ MORE