(OPINION) Charisma – As I was in prayer concerning the present state of the church at large, the Lord began to reveal to me that we are at the tipping point of mass revival coming. I asked the Lord to share with me what that may look like. He showed a prophetic picture of “wind and fire” coupling. The Lord took me to the following Scriptures:

“Who makes His angels as winds, His ministers a flaming fire” (Ps. 104:4).

“But if I say, ‘I will not make mention of Him nor speak any more in His name,’ then His word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I was weary of forbearing it, and I could not endure it” (Jer. 20:9).


The Lord spoke to me that there are coming wildfires of revival hitting the body of Christ. These wildfires will not be destructive fires but constructive and consuming fires of revival. He gave me the image of wooded sticks on fire speaking of people through whom the next move of God will come.

God revealed the term “firebrand” in my spirit. He is going to use firebrand-type revivalists who are glory carriers to spark and ignite personal, corporate, and global change. It will happen through intense prayer, worship, fasting, soaking, prophesying, and Holy Spirit-filled hunger for the glory of God. The Lord said that these Holy Spirit-filled firebrands would be marked with the love of Jesus and passion to see a change in their generation. READ MORE