OPINION (ETH) – A man who was involved in an exorcism is claiming he witnessed first hand a horrific demon mimicking a “possessed” 17-year-old girl moments before the demon was cast out.  The exorcist claimed to witness a grotesque demon that had taken control of a 17-year-old girl and made her swear at her family. Many people who claim to have a demon inside them speak in creepy voices.

However, one exorcist’s son has gone a step further, alleging that he has seen such demonic figures as separate entities standing beside their hosts. According to the Daily Star, Brian, from New Jersey recalled the chilling tale to The Confessionals podcast and explained that his mother used to work as an exorcist and prayed for people who were thought to be possessed by demons. He stated that the encounter has stuck with him as one of his most troubled childhood memories. Explaining the girl’s condition, Brian said: “She was sitting down with her head above the banister and the handrail.

You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! – James 2:19

“She was cursing at her mother, screaming at her and cursing her, and when I looked at her I noticed that – I’m a little kid and I’m not used to that language – I look over and I see something hazy. “It was like black and hazy, like semi-translucent, and it was like a head and it had this long scraggly hair sticking up everywhere and it had black eyes. “Like, where the eyes were, there were no eyes it was just black circles and what really got me, what really caught my attention, was the daughter’s mouth was moving and this thing’s mouth was moving in unison.”


Brian recalled how the teenager seemed to be a helpless puppet fully controlled by the “demon”. “Whenever she would curse or say something, the mouth of this thing – I would call it a demon, I don’t know what it was, it was just so disgusting – its mouth would move along with this girl’s mouth,” he added. Brian said the glimpse of the demon lasted six seconds and then his mother went inside and got to work on the girl, praying over her until the demon was banished from her body.

This story seems to reflect other similar reports such as an exorcism that exhibited terrifying displays of “demonic possession” with superhuman strength – claiming that it once took nine men to hold down a woman he was treating. And the one regarding a woman who claims she was possessed after trying magic and ouija as a teenager says she used to smell dead flesh and wake up covered in scratches. An archbishop also stated that Possessed victims will also hover while exorcisms are being performed, who said he once saw a woman get stuck on the ceiling for six hours.