OPINION (ETH) – While everyone is preoccupied with life here on planet earth, Above us asteroid 2020 CW just skimmed past the planet at 47,647 mph and at a distance of 10,225 miles or (16,455 kilometers) putting it well within the orbit of many of our communications satellites circling the planet at around 22,300 miles (35,888 kilometers) above us. According to a report from CNET, This near-miss put 2020 CW at No. 8 on the list of closest asteroid passes in NASA’s database of Near Earth Object close approaches.

An even closer flyby, currently at No. 2 in the database, was recorded on Halloween of last year. We may have just dodged a bullet for now but an incident back in 2013 involving the Chelyabinsk bolide that exploded in the atmosphere over Russia that blew out windows on the ground and caused many injuries definitely should wake you up to the reality of it being not a matter of “IF” but ‘WHEN” we actually have an asteroid impact.
