(OPINION) FW – Last year, the beloved Christmas classic “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was “seriously problematic,” but this year, it’s all good. The Huffington Post flagged the holiday stop-motion movie last Christmas for its racist and homophobic overtones. But this year, a transgender writer for The New York Times is championing the movie as the “queerest holiday special ever” — and casting aspersions on any conservative who dares think otherwise. In the piece, Jennifer Finney Boylan writes, “Conservatives seem to miss the point of a lot of things having to do with Christmas, actually.”

An ironic observation, given the entire meaning of the season, is to celebrate the birth of the savior, Jesus. “There’s plenty of queer code in Christmastown,” Boylan asserts. “After Rudolph’s red nose shines in his father Donner’s cave, for instance, causing Donner a curiously profound mortification, the old man comes up with a fake nose for his boy to wear. You know: so as not to offend The Straights.” The writer goes on to suggest because the 1964 film deals with the feelings of those who don’t believe they fit in, like Hermey the Elf, Rudolph, and the misfit toys, the story must be about those in the LGBTQ community who stifle their respective sexualities in a world that rejects them. READ MORE
