OPINION (NC9) – President Donald Trump spoke at the Value Voters Summit Saturday evening and lashed out at his political opponents who he painted as trying to “tear down” Christians and other religious believers. “They’re trying to silence and punish the speech of Christians and religious believers of all faiths,” Trump said. “They are trying to hound you from the workplace, expel you from the public square and weaken the American family and indoctrinate our children.”

The Value Voters Summit is an annual conference hosted by the Protestant, conservative Family Research Council, which advocates for faith and Christian values in public policy and opposes abortion, same-sex marriage, and many LGBTQ issues. Trump rallied the audience saying that the Democratic left “resent and disdain faithful Americans.” He claimed that they were under threat of being “shut down” by Democrats. During an LGBTQ town hall Thursday, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said he would end churches’ tax-exempt status if they opposed same-sex marriage. READ MORE
