OPINION (CBN) – The ninth and final season of the animated series “My Little Pony” on the Discovery Family Channel will feature a lesbian couple who take care of a school-aged character named Scootaloo. The episode, titled “The Last Crusade,” introduces the same-sex couple Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty in the middle of Gay Pride Month, which the program’s producers call a “happy coincidence.” It’s the latest children’s program to target kids with the LGBTQ agenda. Last month, The PBS animated series “Arthur” featured a gay wedding.

And The Cartoon Network, popular with children, encouraged its young viewers to celebrate Gay Pride Month during the month of June. The network is also featuring a line of “Pride Month” merchandise at its website. Activist Mommy Elizabeth Johnston pushed back against the inclusion of the lesbian “My Little Pony” couple on Twitter, posting: “Why must a show about ponies of all things have a same-sex couple? Just insane. Watch what your kids are watching, folks!” READ MORE
