OPINION (NewsWeek) – Parents in Ripon, California say a cell phone tower in a local schoolyard is to blame for the cancer diagnoses of four students in the last three years. The tower, which is located at Weston Elementary, is the same as others scattered throughout the town. However, one parent told CBS Sacramento that its proximity to her son led to his 2017 brain cancer diagnosis. “We had a doctor tell us that it’s 100 percent environmental, the kind of tumor that he has,” Monica Ferrulli said in an interview.

“It’s indescribable, it’s really tough.” Ferrulli’s son Mason was the second child to be diagnosed with cancer in just three years at the school. Mason walked by the cell phone tower daily. She also told the Modesto Bee that when questioned, the school district cited an “obsolete American Cancer Society study” in keeping the tower in place since the controversy erupted two years ago. Ferrulli told the newspaper that parents will continue to fight and keep their children out of the school. READ MORE
