OPINION (Express) – Yellowstone volcano is a dormant monster waiting to erupt and violently tear America apart just like Godzilla, a prominent scientist has warned. Yellowstone volcano is the biggest natural disaster threat facing the US and scientists are in awe of its potential destructive force. Fears of Yellowstone roaring back to life were heightened following the release of a report outlining the risk of supervolcanoes erupting in the near future. The report, dubbed Extreme Geohazards: Reducing the Disaster Risk and

Increasing Resilience, found a 10 percent chance of a supervolcano somewhere on Earth erupting by the end of the century. In the wake of the dire volcano report, renowned physicist Dr Michio Kaku warned Yellowstone volcano is an untamed beast waiting to let loose across America. Dr Kaku told Fox News: “Forget the image of Yogi Bear representing Yellowstone. “We’re talking about a sleeping Godzilla underneath Yellowstone, that if it erupts in a maximum eruption called Category 8, it can literally tear the guts out of the United States of America. READ MORE
