Understanding the new creation reality is so vital to an overcoming Christian life. If you don’t know who you really are, you can never experience the fullness of abundant life in Christ. We’ve heard it preached our entire Christian lives, “You are a new creation! Old things have passed away and all things have become new!” But do we really understand what this means? When we come to Christ, does God just make us better versions of ourselves? Or does something much more profound happen?

Recently God gave me a vision of what happens to us at salvation and it radically altered the way I see myself. I saw the moment God encountered Mary in Luke 1:31-35 telling her she would bear the Christ Child. I saw the person of the Holy Spirit overshadow her. I saw Mary’s DNA and the Holy Spirit’s DNA. I saw them intertwine and become one, creating Jesus in her womb, fully God and fully man. READ MORE
