(OPINION) CBN – There’s a growing number of parents who believe the transgender movement is destroying their children, both physically and emotionally. These parents come from a variety of backgrounds, regions and political affiliations – but they’re unified in a belief that they’re on their own when it comes to questioning and evaluating the reasons behind their children’s gender confusion.

Many of these parents have reached out to Parents of Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) Kids, an organization that began in late 2017 and has since connected with more than 600 parents, some of who meet in 50 support groups across North America.  CBN News met with some of these parents in cities up and down the East Coast.

Kristie Sisson leads a support group in her community and says she saw no signs of any gender confusion in her daughter as a child. “She was the typical girl,” she told CBN News. “She was playing with baby dolls and Barbie dolls and loved her little stuffed animals, loved to play dress up.”


“Crystal” leads another support group and also works with The Kelsey Coalition which advocates politically on behalf of the concerned parents. She says her son showed no signs of gender confusion in his childhood. “He was a typical rough and tough little boy,” she explained. “He was also into Star Wars. He played with all the ships and the action figures and he was big on wrestling.” READ MORE