(OPINION) Would you pay thousands of dollars to take part in a “rage ritual” which involves screaming at the world at the top of your lungs and smashing the ground with large sticks? I imagine that your answer to that question is the same as mine.

But there are lots of women that are signing up to do this, and the scam artists that are running these programs are making enormous amounts of money in the process.

The women that get conned into attending one of these rage rituals are instructed to work themselves up into an unhinged frenzy by thinking of “every person who’s ever crossed you, who’s ever hurt you, who’s ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way”, and then they are supposed to use all of that anger as fuel as they hit the ground with big sticks.


The most popular “rage rituals” are conducted by Mia Banducci who is also known as “Mia Magik”. She is a self-proclaimed mystic who says that the women who attend her events “go home to their families with more gratitude and ease and peace”…

It’s official: therapy culture has come for the Karen. USA Today reports a new, expensive wellness trend — “rage rituals” — in which women pay thousands of dollars to retreat to a safe and remote location, call to mind everything that’s ever annoyed them, and then scream, flail and rage while hitting the ground with sticks.

Mia Banducci, a self-proclaimed mystic who leads just such a “rage ritual” retreat, extols the power of these events to release negative feelings and increase joy elsewhere in participants’ lives.

“When people do this and give themselves permission to release their anger, their capacity for joy actually expands,” she explains. “They’re able to feel more happiness and pleasure, and they go home to their families with more gratitude and ease and peace.”

Yeah, I’m not buying it. Thankfully, when these women work themselves up into a rage it is done deep in the woods so that nobody else has to hear it…

The process of a rage ritual is pretty simple. First, Banducci says, participants gather large sticks while conjuring to mind “every person who’s ever crossed you, who’s ever hurt you, who’s ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way.” After some warm-up breaths, the screaming and swinging begin.

The ritual is held in the woods so participants can make noise without fear of bothering people nearby. You can see a video of “Mia Magik” promoting her rage rituals right here, but I must warn you that the video is pretty graphic. (READ MORE)


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