(OPINION) Rumors have confirmed that Kanye West is entering the adult entertainment business following his departure from the Christian faith.

As the Independent noted, the rapper shared a video on X that announced his “Yeezy Porn” was on the way.

Following this announcement, Brittni De La Mora, a former adult film star turned Christian, is pleading that West remember his time when he declared that Jesus is king.


“Kanye, this is not the way to go and forth,” La Mora says. “It’s just like addiction. You recognize that it’s bad, and then suddenly, you go right back to it. Only a dog returns to its vomit.”

This reference goes back to West’s comments from 2019 when he confessed to having a pornography addiction.

“Kanye, if you want to follow Jesus, follow Jesus,” La Mora says. “Don’t go backward. The darkness has nothing to offer you. You are going to open the door to the demonic further, and you are going to regret this decision.”

Kanye’s new venture comes in the midst of his recent assertion that a life with Jesus didn’t turn out for him the way he wanted. Instead, Kanye is moving full steam ahead toward becoming his god.

“I’m god, and anyone to disagree, I’m the god of me,” West says. “And you can’t tell me who I am…I’m the god of me.” West also said that during his time of trying to walk out a Christian life, he didn’t see Jesus in his life the way he hoped to.