An Oklahoma pastor whose church recently made headlines after seeing 116 Army soldiers accept Jesus said the mass embrace of faith was the result of his congregation stepping out in faith and trusting in the Lord.

Mike Keahbone, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Lawton, told CBN Digital his church normally puts on its annual Living Christmas Tree musical, a massive Christmas show, for one weekend during the holiday season.

But this year, the church’s worship pastor, Xavier Abraham, wanted to do something a bit different.


“[He] approached us with the idea of doing it two weekends in a row, and our immediate reaction was, ‘No way,’” Keahbone said. “Because it just takes so much to pull this thing together.

I mean, you’re talking about a 39-foot tree, over a hundred thousand lights, and just the manpower it takes to assemble the tree, the manpower it takes to just perform the performance.”

Plus, there’s the cast, and the orchestra, and all of the rehearsing. Logistically, Keahbone said a second weekend just seemed like an impossibility — until he thought deeper about Abraham’s request.

“What I heard in his heart was that he had really sought the Lord over it,” the pastor said. “And one of the things that I challenge our guys to do … our three pillars are to be Christ led, body engaged, and Gospel-centered, and so I challenge our team all the time — ‘Seek the Lord.’”