The wife of a Christian man shot in the head Nov. 15 while preaching is imploring people to continue fervently praying for her husband and family.

Zulya Schmidt, wife of 26-year-old Hans Schmidt, wrote a touching Thanksgiving message on her Facebook page Thursday, expressing her profound gratitude despite the family’s tragic circumstances.

As CBN Digital reported, Schmidt, a 26-year-old dad of two and the outreach director at Victory Chapel First Phoenix in Arizona, was taken to the hospital Nov. 15 on suspicion of having been assaulted.


But a CT scan revealed he had been shot. Schmidt has reportedly remained in serious condition, as his family hopes and prays for a miracle. Despite facing such grim days, Zulya Schmidt is looking to God for peace.

“So much to be grateful for,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “I am thankful for the amazing husband I got blessed with and all the fun adventures we’ve experienced and will experience.”

Schmidt went on to write a message directly to her husband, expressing her thankfulness also for the love he has shown her and their children.

“You blessed me with two sweet and beautiful children,” Schmidt wrote. “You are such a great and fun dad! I’ve always loved and admired your humility and willingness to help and serve.”

She also expressed appreciation for the messages of support and emotional assistance she has received since the shooting made headlines and shocked the nation.

“I’m grateful for all the love, support, and prayers we have received during this time,” Schmidt wrote. “Lastly, so grateful for a God we believe in and serve who upholds us during times like this.”

She continued, “Hans should have been gone that first night, but he’s still here fighting. Please continue to pray for us! We desperately need it.” Victory Chapel First Phoenix is currently raising money for the family and has been updating the public about the tragic situation.


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