(OPINION) In recent years, Rolling Stone magazine has taken a sharp turn into anti-Christian, anti-biblical and anti-God territory, and its current piece attacking Rabbi Jonathan Cahn serves as a stark reminder of this concerning trend.

The article not only misrepresents Cahn’s message but also reveals a broader issue of bias and prejudice against those who hold a biblical worldview. It is crucial to shed light on the anti-Semitic undertones within the article. Cahn answered Rolling Stone’s article demonstrating each off-base point.

The supposed controversy surrounding Rabbi Cahn’s recent video, “The Israel-Hamas End-Time Mystery,” centers on a brief segment where he expresses compassion and sympathy for Israel and the Jewish people in light of their ongoing struggles.


In his message, he highlights the significance of Jesus (Yeshua) as the Prince of Peace, emphasizing that true peace can be found in Him. Rolling Stone decided to use this call to salvation to claim Cahn blamed Jews for the Hamas terror attack, all because they have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah.

In a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty, Steven Khoury, the pastor of The First Baptist Church in Bethlehem, ministers to his congregation in the heart of the West Bank, a region marked by complexity and conflict. Despite the challenges, he remains resolute in his faith, believing that the Bible’s prophecies about the end times are manifesting in our world today.

Meanwhile, Rolling Stone has also become the latest media outlet to vilify House Speaker Mike Johnson for his Christian faith.

Over the weekend, the magazine published a story highlighting Johnson’s commitment not to consume pornography, an ethical conviction rooted in his faith. The outlet focused on a clip of Johnson speaking at a church conference last year, where he explained that he and his son use Covenant Eyes, accountability software for people who do not want to consume pornography.

Johnson said he and his son — who at the time was 17 years old — are “accountability partners.” In the clip, Johnson explained: It scans all the activity on your phone, or your devices, your laptop, what have you; we do all of it.

It sends a report to your accountability partner. My accountability partner right now is Jack, my son. He’s 17. So he and I get a report about all the things that are on our phones, all of our devices, once a week.

If anything objectionable comes up, your accountability partner gets an immediate notice. I’m proud to tell ya, my son has got a clean slate. The story, which generated viral attention on social media, caused people to mock Johnson as weird, creepy, and perverted.

Aside from Rolling Stone’s framing of the story — claiming Johnson and his son “monitor each other’s porn intake,” which is false because the software’s purpose is to hold each other accountable to avoid consuming pornographic material — this latest attempt to use Johnson’s faith to attack him will “backfire,” according to sociologist Samuel Perry.

“Of all the things Mike Johnson may promote, Christian antiporn accountability software may sound [fundamentalist] & weird to outsiders, but it’s both mainstream & commonsense for folks who believe porn is cancer & addiction is rampant,” Perry said.

He explained that “stuff like this backfires” because it “just makes Johnson look like [a] normal Christian dad, not [a] culture warring extremist.”

After all, is it really a bad look that Johnson lives in accordance with the Christian ethics that he professes and holds his son to the same standard that he applies to himself?


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