A Louisiana man is facing major backlash for his Halloween display. Some of Vic Miorana’s neighbors are saying his headless Jesus prop is disrespectful.

However, Miorana said he is standing by his creation. “This is just decorations for fun, it’s not real,” he said. “These are foam props that I made. I’m very sorry if this hurt anyone or if this caused anyone to feel sad.”

According to WAFF48, Miorana is known for his elaborate Halloween decorations each year, but people are saying this year’s display might have gone too far. “I feel it’s disrespectful to the people who believe in Jesus,” one man said.

“Is it protected under free speech, yes, but does that make it right? That’s my real question. And would you do this with another religion? Because I don’t think you would.”

Miorana’s display depicts what appears to be a beheaded Jesus in the hands of the devil surrounded by nuns and a priest. “If the people find it offensive, they can bypass this neighborhood,” neighbor Paul Leto said.

Since a post regarding the display went viral, Miorana said he and his then-girlfriend have parted ways after she received numerous threats while losing her job.

“My girlfriend of three years has been harassed and bullied online with her and her family business,” he said. Despite the controversy, Miorana said he does “absolutely not” plan on taking down his display.