(OPINION) Banks are working with credit agencies to roll out “word checks” of social media accounts to assess how worthy of banking facilities members of the public are, Brexit’s Nigel Farage tells Breitbart as his new freedom of speech campaign gains momentum.

Having a bank account is essential to exist in the modern Western world and yet moves to further debank the public if they hold views that don’t align with the prevailing elite view are developing, Brexit leader turned anti-woke capitalism campaigner Nigel Farage told Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot Friday morning.

Far from merely being institutions which serve an important role in society by taking deposits then making loans — and making some profit by doing so — banks have now become “highly politically active”, Mr. Farage warned. This is a campaign he has taken up to increasing effect in the United Kingdom after he was debanked for not aligning with his bank’s newfound left-wing values.


This will be part of a growing trend if it isn’t nipped in the bud now, Farage warned, revealing even more intrusive steps to ensure those with conservative opinions can’t pay bills or make purchases are coming.

He said banks signed up to Environmental, Social and Governance programs seemed to be employing “wokies” who “are just filled with an almost hatred for people who don’t subscribe to their world view”, and that:

The argument I’ve been making is if they can do it to me, they can certainly do it to you. What we do know is the British clearing banks are now working with some of the credit agencies to put in place word checks on the social media accounts of their customers. You can see the direction… we are litreally on the verge of this happening. So we really have to start shouting.

The concept of banks assessing the worthiness of potential customers by their social media use certainly isn’t a new concept and has been long discussed, but Farage’s recent revelations of the scale and depth of debanking that has been going on below the surface in the United Kingdom may be seen as throwing the threat into a new light.

Farage told Breitbart News Daily that he had already received “thousands and thousands” of responses from the public to his call to come forward and reveal their own experience of being debanked and mistreated by financial institutions.

The veteran campaigner also revealed some of the egregious cases that respondents had claimed to have experienced, including someone saying they lost their account because they voiced their views on the bank being covered in “huge LGBT messages”.


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