(OPINION) Our world is becoming a creepier place with each passing day. Most of us just want to live our lives in peace without excessive governmental interference, but unfortunately, the control freaks that are running things just can’t help themselves.

Ultimately, they aren’t going to be happy until they are able to watch, track, monitor, and control virtually everything that we write, say, and do. This is one of the big reasons why they are gearing up to introduce “central bank digital currencies” all over the Western world.

Such digital currencies will make it much easier for them to control us financially. And a new tool that was just introduced by the UN will make it much easier for them to control what we write on the Internet…


The iVerify System Is Here. The UN’s new fact-checking system is going to be a game changer, but so far the mainstream media is being really quiet about it.

Perhaps that is because they don’t want millions of us to object to this sort of tyranny. The UN developed iVerify in conjunction with big tech companies and Soros-funded organizations, and it will be used to crack down on “disinformation” and “hate speech” all over the globe…

The United Nations has unveiled an “automated” fact-checking service to counter so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet in a project partnered with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organizations.

In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.

The global body’s “automated fact-checking tool”, was developed in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).

Needless to say, this tool will not be used to crack down on points of view that Big Tech and George Soros agree with. Instead, it will be used to crack down on those that choose to be independent thinkers, and that should greatly alarm all of us.

Of course, iVerify is not the only very strange development that has been in the news in recent days… “Hail The Size Of Softballs”

On June 14th, some areas of Arkansas were absolutely pounded by “softball-sized hail”… Parts of Arkansas were affected by large hail as severe thunderstorms moved through the region on Wednesday, June 14.

Video recorded by Lailah Spearman from her porch in Royal, Arkansas, shows large hailstones littering her front yard as loud banging can be heard.

Spearman told Storyful that she was in her living room when the hail started. “It sounded like bombs going off, and we looked outside and saw huge softball-sized hail,” she said.

And it turns out that some parts of northern Texas were also hit by “hail as large as softballs”… Severe storms brought large hail, caused power outages, and delayed flights in North Texas. Some people reported hail as large as softballs.

In the old days, it was very rare for this sort of thing to happen. But now it is no big deal because it happens all the time. When hail gets this big, it can do some really serious damage. (READ MORE)


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