(OPINION) I seriously should have thought of this when I was a kid. If I could have answered every question a teacher asked by meowing like a cat or roaring like a dinosaur, there is no way they could have ever accused me of getting an answer wrong.

And when it was time for a quiz or a test, I could have just responded to every question with a paw print. Of course, nobody would have actually been able to get away with such a thing decades ago.

When I was a kid, anyone that tried to pull this kind of a stunt would have been immediately marched down to the principal’s office. But now we live at a time when we are supposed to allow people to identify as anything that they want.


Things have gotten particularly absurd in the United Kingdom. According to an investigation that was conducted by the Telegraph, schools in the UK are now allowing children to identify as all sorts of things…

At a state secondary school in Wales, one student is said to ‘meow’ when asked questions by a teacher, rather than answering in English, the Telegraph reports.

In other schools, one apparently insists on being addressed as a dinosaur, one claims to identify as a horse while another is said to wear a cape and demands to be acknowledged as a moon.

In the old days, teachers knew how to deal with this kind of nonsense. But today they are instructed not to correct the children because that would be “discriminatory”… Pupils claim teachers are ‘not allowed to get annoyed’ about such behavior in case it is seen as being discriminatory.

However, lessons are reportedly becoming completely derailed by these interactions, impacting the quality of their classmates’ education.

So these teachers in the UK literally have to sit there and make the best of it when students respond to their questions with “animal noises”…

In some reported instances, classes have faced severe disruption as pupils insist on answering teacher’s questions and communicating via animal noises.

I couldn’t take that. If I was told that I had to allow students to make animal noises all day, I would just quit. Apparently, one student that identifies as “a cat” has been doing this for three years…

In a particularly disruptive case, the newspaper spoke to a student in Wales who claimed a classmate had identified as a cat for three years. The pupil complained: “When they answer questions, they meow rather than answer a question in English.

Are you kidding me? In the old days, that kid would have been corrected on day one. But these days you are not allowed to say anything.

That just wouldn’t be proper. In fact, a 13-year-old girl was recently called “despicable” by her teacher when she confronted a classmate that identifies as “a cat”…

A 13-year-old girl was called “despicable” by her teacher at a Church of England school in the United Kingdom on Friday after asking a classmate how she identifies as a cat.

The schoolgirl and her friend were reprimanded by their teacher at Rye College in East Sussex at the end of an eighth-grade “life education” class, where they were told that they could “be who you want to be and how you identify is up to you,” The Telegraph reported.

Here in the United States, we are moving very rapidly in the same direction. In fact, we just learned that public school teachers in New York are now being instructed to keep “children’s gender transitions a secret from parents in some cases”…

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) released 42 pages of new guidance for public schools Monday that includes a section about keeping children’s gender transitions a secret from parents in some cases.

The report, titled “Creating a Safe, Supportive, and Affirming School Environment for Transgender and Gender Expansive Students,” maintains that a student’s gender identity should be based on the student’s own assertion and that administrators should keep such information from families if they deem it necessary. Can you believe that? (READ MORE)