(OPINION) Given enough time, artificial intelligence would completely dominate our society. AI technology has been growing at an exponential rate, and it can already perform thousands of tasks better than humans can.

Eventually, there would be very few jobs that AI could not do more efficiently than we can. Just look at all the things that ChatGPT can do right now. There is no way that we can compete with that.

As AI technology continues to become even more sophisticated, millions upon millions of jobs will be lost, and that will create a giant underclass of people that are simply not needed by society.


On the other hand, there will inevitably be vast numbers of people that will eagerly embrace the revolutionary changes that artificial intelligence brings to our world.

We are being told that AI could result in the rise of “new religions”, and many in the transhumanist community are looking forward to “enhancing” themselves by actually merging with artificial intelligence.

Would you like to learn a new language in just seconds? Would you like to have the ability to process information thousands of times faster than you currently do?

Would you like to be a “super-intelligent” being that has “godlike powers” compared to everyone around you? Transhumanists believe that people will literally have the ability to become “superheroes” as we merge with computers, technology and artificial intelligence.

And it is happening a lot faster than a lot of people ever thought. In fact, Elon Musk just got approval from the FDA to start putting brain implants into humans…

Elon Musk’s brain implant company Neuralink received the green light from the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct clinical trials in humans, according to an announcement posted to Neuralink’s Twitter account on May 25. The company hasn’t started recruiting participants yet but claimed it will announce more details soon.

At first, Musk wants to use his brain implants to help the disabled live a normal life, but eventually he “wants to offer a device for the general population”…

For now, the company says it’s working on “giving people with quadriplegia the ability to control their computers and mobile devices with their thoughts.”

The company says people can use the device to control different types of technology, like a computer, by thinking. The implant sends their brain signals via Bluetooth to a computer, which then translates their intended action into tasks on a computer.

But Musk has also said that he eventually wants to offer a device for the general population — to help us keep up with rapidly advancing artificial intelligence tools.

Of course, many would argue that we won’t even need brain implants because artificial intelligence can already read your mind and “turn a person’s brain activity into text”…

Scientists have created an AI-based decoder that can turn a person’s brain activity into text. The system is non-invasive, meaning it doesn’t require any surgical implants, and uses the same AI technology as chatbot ChatGPT. The technology scanned brain activity and predicted what words a person was listening to.

“We don’t like to use the term mind reading,” Alexander Huth, who worked on the research, told CNN. “We think it conjures up things that we’re actually not capable of.” He said “the real potential application of this is in helping people who are unable to communicate.” (READ MORE)


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