This is the shocking moment a mass brawl broke out at an airport as travelers threw punches and yanked on each other’s hair. The footage was captured at a baggage claim inside Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on Monday night.

The wild video has now made its rounds on social media and shows the huge fight that broke out between around a dozen people. People in the Chicago airport’s Terminal 3 can be seen yanking hair, throwing punches, and jumping on the backs of other travelers.

The chaos was reportedly sparked by an argument between some passengers at around 11 pm. Violent scenes show a big group of travelers pushing each other to the ground and red braids from one woman’s hair can be spotted on the floor after she manages to get up.

A group of men then jumped onto the baggage carousel where they punched and kicked each other while the others tackled one another to the ground.

As the drama erupted, two men were spotted fighting on the carousel, with one being punched in the face on the luggage belt before he was brutally kicked in the head.

A woman can be seen using her headphones as a weapon before she gets thrown to the floor by a man who then begins swinging punches at her.

The footage also shows a woman being pinned to the ground by her hair along with two other women as several personal belongings lay scattered on the airport floor.

Shoes and travel pillows can be seen on the ground while the angry passengers tread all over them as they continue to batter each other. Horrified onlookers can be heard yelling for security and for the others to stop fighting as the travelers became more violent.

At least three people in the video are seen to physically try and separate the crowd while others shout for airport staff to intervene. Another woman who was involved in the scrap attempted to hit another person with what seemed to be a shoe before a man punched her directly in the face, which sent her flying to the floor.


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