Saying that he’s “running for president to lead our great American comeback,” Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida formally launched his White House campaign in a video released by his political team.

“Our border is a disaster. Crime infests our cities. The federal government makes it harder for families to make ends meet. And the president flounders,” DeSantis charges in the video, which was shared first with Fox News on Wednesday.

The governor argues that “decline is a choice. Success is attainable. And freedom is worth fighting for. Righting the ship requires restoring sanity to our society, normalcy to our communities, and integrity to our institutions. Truth must be our foundation — and common sense can no longer be an uncommon virtue. In Florida, we proved it can be done.”


After months of buildup and speculation, the DeSantis campaign released the launch video in conjunction with the Florida governor’s appearance on Twitter, where he was expected to also formally announce his 2024 candidacy in a 6 pm ET interview with business magnate and Twitter owner Elon Musk.

“Never Back Down,” a super PAC backing Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 2024 White House bid, touted the recent slew of endorsements that the Sunshine State governor has received now that he has formally entered the race.

According to the NYP, Among the notable names that vow to support DeSantis in 2024 are Reps. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Bob Good (R-Va.), Chip Roy (R-TX) and Laurel Lee (R-Fla.).

“The next president of the United States must be a vibrant and energetic leader with the faith, vision, and courage to chart a new course,” Roy wrote in his stamp of approval for DeSantis. “A leader who will restore sanity to our communities, declare that freedom is worth fighting for, and make clear the American Dream will be attainable again. That leader is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.”

Massie explained that he is supporting the governor because “DeSantis has delivered win after win, stood up to woke corporations and the liberal agenda, and fought hard to protect American values and families.”

Lee argued that “DeSantis fights for what matters, and he wins when it matters most.” Iowa House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, Iowa Senate President Amy Sinclair and New Hampshire House Majority Leader Jason Osborne were among the other lawmakers endorsing DeSantis that Never Back Down highlighted on Twitter.



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