The Pentagon released a video of a reported UFO flying at a high rate of speed in the vicinity of Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drones that “showed some really interesting things that everyone thought was truly anomalous.”

According to Fox News, The object flew over South Asia earlier this year and appeared to have a propulsion trail, but it was later determined to be a “censor artifact,” Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick explained.

It was the second of two videos that the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) showed lawmakers during the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities hearing on April 19.


The first was an “unresolved” UAP – unidentified anomalous phenomena, which is the government-created word for UFO – in an active conflict zone in the Middle East in 2022.

“Why am I showing you this?” Kirkpatrick told lawmakers. “This is the kind of data we have to work with and the type of analysis we have to do, which can be extensive when you have to pull these apart frame by frame.”

“Further, we’re now matching all of this with models of all those imaging censors so that I can recreate this. I can actually show how the censor is going to respond.” Kirkpatrick showed an infographic during his presentation with information about the 2023 UFO sighting in South Asia that he said is “resolved.”

The Pentagon is tracking more than 650 cases of reported UFOs that are preliminarily categorized into common objects like balloons or airplanes. The ones that don’t fit in any of the categories are prioritized by where they were spotted, Kirkpatrick said.

“Are they attached to a national security area? Does [it] show some anomalous phenomenology that’s of interest?” he said. “If it’s just a spherical thing that’s just floating around with the wind and has no payload, that’s less important than something with a payload on it, and that’s less important than something that’s maneuvering.”