The flames from the Asbury Awakening are still burning as reports of revival come from the campuses of secular universities, high schools, and churches across the country.

What some have referred to as a potential new Great Awakening within Christian history started as a spark on the campus of Asbury University in February, where thousands of Christians gathered for two weeks of Spirit-led worship, prayer, and repentance. Since that time, the outpouring has spread around the U.S., especially opening the hearts and minds of young people.

As CBN News reported in late February, one of those places where the Holy Spirit has been felt is Texas A&M in Corpus Christi, Texas. The Inspire Broadcasting Network posted several new photos to Facebook on March 14 of students worshiping together at a recent outdoor service – singing, praying, and answering the gospel call by being baptized. “The Lord is not slowing down,” Inspire wrote. “Texas A&M – Corpus Christi, Texas.”


In a post dated the week prior, Kate Maddox Berrington, the administrator of the Texas A&M University Revival (Official Page) on Facebook, posted photos of students along with some older people praying and worshipping together beside Kyle Field, the university’s stadium located in College Station.

“After praying with intercessors over our area at 6:00, we headed over to campus to pray and watch to see what the Lord would do on campus tonight,” Berrington wrote in an early morning post on March 7.

“It was a smaller crowd. A bit disappointing, but what was beautiful was how many grey heads were scattered in the background. But there were also young teens. And even a few young children,” she noted.

“This move is bringing people together in support of our students. We all are hungry for the same thing. The same Person. Him.
After some worship, there was a call for prayer for unity in the Body of Christ.

So, they all held hands and made one huge symbolic circle. And then everyone prayed at the same time! One Voice!” Berrington explained. She also noted a happy mood, then the group turned more serious, praying to the Lord for the hurting and the lost. (READ MORE)


  • End Time Headlines

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