An 11-year-old in Maine spoke out against “pornographic” content in his middle school and wants the administrators to be prosecuted. According to a report from the NYP, Knox Zajac, an 11-year-old sixth-grader, spoke up at a school board meeting last week to read aloud from the book “Nick and Charlie” that he had checked out of his school’s library. The age advisory in this book is 14 years and older.

“Nick and Charlie,” written by Alice Oseman, begins with two early teen boys stealing wine from their parents and proceeding to experiment sexually with one another. “This book was on the stand. I would like to read you a page,” Knox said at the school board meeting, according to a video posted in the Maine Wire.

Knox proceeded to read, “My back over my hips. I asked if he should take his clothes off. He was saying yes before I finished my sentence. He’s pulling off my T-shirt, laughing when I can’t undo his shirt buttons. He’s undoing my belt. I’m reaching into his bedside drawer for a condom.”

Knox read more of the sexually explicit material in the book. “When I rented it out and showed my dad it, the librarian asked if I wanted more and if I wanted a graphic novel version,” Knox said.

Knox’s father, Adam, spoke up to address the Board of Windham Raymond School District, also known as RSU-14. Adam proceeded to blast the book “Gender Queer,” which also shows sexually explicit depictions of two minors. The age advisory in the book is for readers 18 years and older. “This is bulls–t,” he said.


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