For the first time, Israel is using Deep-Learning AI to create greetings of peace and invite people from countries around the world to dialogue with the Jewish state. The technology enables diplomats to speak in several foreign languages.

It even animates their lips to seem like they are speaking with complete ease in the desired foreign tongue. The Digital Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published a series of videos produced with AI technology in the following languages: Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Turkish, Greek, Hindi, Russian and Portuguese.

The videos show the head of the ministry’s digital division, David Saranga welcoming people to get to know Israelis and live in peace with the Jewish nation. The deep learning algorithms make it possible to change lip and body movements in the videos to appear as though they are native speakers.


Even the faces of the people being photographed can be changed. The technology is proving to have a significant impact by localizing content and creating media in different languages. (SOURCE)