(OPINION) A new study suggests that nearly one in four Gen Z adults believe Jesus was a man who sinned like everyone else rather than the incarnate Son of God of Christian orthodoxy.

Polling conducted for the American Bible Society (ABS) and its latest “State of the Bible 2022” report found that 38% of people ages 18-25 believe “Jesus Christ was human and committed sins, like other people.”

The result is roughly in line with Gen X (37%), millennials (35%), and baby boomers (35%), who also don’t seem to believe in the biblical doctrine of a sinless Christ.


Americans aged 77 and older believed Jesus sinned at statistically lower numbers (26%) as the group proved to be the “most likely to be Bible Users (58%) of any generation.”

The findings were detailed in Chapter 2 of the 2022 “State of the Bible” report released this month, featuring data compiled by ABS in collaboration with NORC at the University of Chicago.

A total of 2,598 U.S. adults were surveyed in January online or by phone in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The study has an error margin of ±2.51%. The poll found that 18% of all ages who are biblically engaged believed Jesus was a sinner.

Researchers with ABS defined scriptural engagement as “consistent interaction with the Bible that shapes a person’s choices and transforms their relationships with God, self, and others.”

Among respondents considered part of the “Movable Middle” — those considered Bible friendly and Bible neutral — just over one-third said they believed Jesus had sinned during His life on Earth. Those categorized as “Bible Disengaged” made up the highest portion of respondents who said Jesus was a sinner at 43%.

John Plake, director of ministry intelligence at ABS and editor-in-chief of the “State of the Bible” series, told The Christian Post this kind of secular confusion about Christian theology is an opportunity to share with the world.

“I hear statistics [like these], and I’m less concerned about the national or generational assumptions about the dual nature of Jesus or pick your particular point of doctrine here,” Plake said. “I’m more concerned that we point people to the Word of God.

“We get them there, they’re going to find wisdom, they’re going to find hope for their struggles, and if we can help people connect deeply with the Bible, then the doctrinal challenges are going to work themselves out.” FULL REPORT


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