(OPINION) Evangelist Franklin Graham — son of the late Rev. Billy Graham — said this week he doesn’t believe the “vaccine passport” microchip implant is the biblical “mark of the beast.” According to Faithwire, Graham shared his perspective after news of the Swedish-designed microchip made headlines.

“I personally do not think this particular chip is the mark the Bible talks about, but it does make you think how close we may be,” he wrote. “Christians around the world are wondering if COVID-19 is being used as a way to condition the world population to accept a mark like this, whatever form it may take. If a scannable chip under the skin can contain vaccine information, adding other personal information and financial data could be a short step away.”

“This may sound frightening; but people who have put their faith in God and His Son, Jesus Christ, don’t need to be afraid,” the evangelist continued. “We should not live in fear. God told us what was coming in His Word. Make sure that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life by repenting of your sins and putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.”

“The Bible tells us that in the end times there will be a one-world system,” Graham, who heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, wrote. “Revelation 13:16-17 says, ‘Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark…’”

“Right now, a Swedish company has developed a ‘vaccine passport’ chip that is implanted under the skin and can be scanned. It could be required to enter restaurants or businesses, fly commercially, etc,” he continued. “I personally do not think this particular chip is the mark the Bible talks about, but it does make you think how close we may be.”

According to the Christian Post, Graham is not opposed to vaccinations and believes getting vaccinated is “important and helps save lives.” But he believes political leaders have used the coronavirus pandemic “as an excuse to exert more and more control” since “many world leaders are still using COVID … to lock down their countries.”

“Christians around the world are wondering if COVID-19 is being used as a way to condition the world population to accept a mark like this, whatever form it may take,” Graham added.

“If a scannable chip under the skin can contain vaccine information, adding other personal information and financial data could be a short step away. This may sound frightening; but people who have put their faith in God and His Son, Jesus Christ, don’t need to be afraid. We should not live in fear. God told us what was coming in His Word. Make sure that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life by repenting of your sins and putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.”