Answers In Genesis, the ministry that created the extraordinary Ark Encounter in northern Kentucky – a replica of Noah’s Ark built according to the directions God gave Noah – now plans to build a replica of the ancient Tower of Babel adjacent to it.

The Bible’s Old Testament says the ancient tower was built by Noah’s descendants after the worldwide flood. They rebelled against God and refused his command to “fill the earth” with their offspring.

As the project planners explain on the Answers In Genesis website: As he had done to Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:28), the Lord blessed Noah and his family and instructed them to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth (Genesis 9:1).


While Noah’s descendants multiplied, they refused to fill the earth. Instead, they decided to stick together and gathered in a place called Shinar. Refusing to scatter and desiring to make a name for themselves, they began to build a city and a tower with a top “in the heavens” (Genesis 11:4).

God confused their language to keep them from communicating about their rebellious plans, forcing them to eventually scatter and “fill the earth.” The purpose of the Babel project, the planners explain, is not to glorify that rebellion but to glorify God and provide insight into issues confronting society today, particularly racism.

At its heart, the tower planners say is whether the biblical view of human beings prevails or the evolutionary theory does. “Our culture has been inundated by false views of our origins, teaching that we evolved from ape-like ancestors. While most evolutionists are probably not racists, the philosophy they hold is inherently racist, implying that some people groups are more closely related to apes than others,” states the Answers in Genesis website. READ MORE