On Thursday, Facebook users began receiving notices from the social media website informing them that they “may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently.” Other Facebook users began receiving another notice asking “Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?” Reporter Brendan Gutenschwager tweeted screenshots of both Facebook notices. “Facebook notifying some users ‘you may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently’ with a new notice and link for ‘support from experts,’” he wrote.

The first notice says “[Insert user’s name], you may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently” along with a link to “Get Support.” Gutenschwager tweeted photos from the “Get Support” link. The link shows the statement “Minorities are destroying the country” and then provides counter-statements such as “Some violent extremist groups wrongly say that for the United States to succeed, its citizens should all be of one culture.

However, there are amazing benefits to diversity . . .” and “Hate groups oversimplify problems by blaming them on one group of people. Some groups claim the problem is the immigrants, while others claim it is the jews, the Black community and or another group.” READ MORE