(OPINION) – Did you know that an absolutely gigantic comet that is at least 62 miles wide is cruising through our solar system right now? Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein is already closer to the sun than Neptune, but scientists are assuring us that it is absolutely no threat to our planet.

If that is true, that is great news, because it appears that this is the biggest comet ever discovered. It is being projected that it will make its closest approach to the sun in January 2031, and after that it is expected to head on a path that will eventually take it out of our solar system. Let us hope that all of this information is accurate, but could there be a possibility that the scientists that have studied this giant space rock are wrong?

I think that there are at least a couple of reasons for skepticism. First of all, at this moment Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein is incredibly difficult to see. Two astronomers recently discovered it by “studying old images from 2014 to 2018”…


Don’t worry, but a huge comet is headed toward our sun. Scientists found it while studying old images from 2014 to 2018 taken for the Dark Energy Survey. Two University of Pennsylvania astronomers, Pedro Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein, spotted the object heading inward from the Oort Cloud, possibly from as far as half a light-year away. Many have been calling it a mega comet.

The object was originally designed 2014 UN271. It’s now been officially named Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein, for its discoverers. Secondly, nobody can seem to accurately tell us exactly how big it is. At this point, we are being told that it is “between 62 to 230 miles (100 to 370 km) in diameter”…

It’s thought to be the largest comet yet discovered, possibly as big as a dwarf planet. It’s still far away and hard to see, but the current estimate suggests its nucleus, or core, is between 62 to 230 miles (100 to 370 km) in diameter. Whoa! That’s big for a comet. That is a huge range.

Most media outlets are using the measurement on the low end of the range, but the truth is that we are being told that it could be almost four times larger. If there is such uncertainty about the size of the object, how in the world can they have so much certainty about the orbit? Somebody needs to be asking that question. READ MORE



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