(OPINION) ETH – A mysterious black triangular object or craft was recently spotted in the skies above Pasadena California recently that has captured the attention of bloggers and Youtubers alike.

One blogger and UFO hunter Scott C. Waring suggested that the object could have been a possible sighting of an extraterrestrial craft. The sighting was uploaded on a Youtube video by a user called “Waring” and appears to be a black, vaguely triangular shape.


In the video, the user highlights the object appears to be rotating, and further alleged that it looked like “the hypersonic missile that the USAF has created, except this, was hovering and moving very slowly”.

In the video, the user goes further with a wild conspiracy theory speculating that the alleged “alien craft”might’ve been “monitoring the COVID infections and immunizations of the humans below in order to assess future predictions of events”. Not everyone agrees with Warning’s suggestion of the object being extraterrestrial in origin but instead says that the object was likely a balloon.