(OPINION) CBN – There are many warnings that progressive policies could rapidly move America towards socialism and away from certain liberties and a free market society. These signals of socialist-like moves became louder as Democrats won the White House and majorities in both houses of Congress.

In Socialists Don’t Sleep, Cheryl Chumley literally wrote the book on these threats. She sees the signs in the new administration, especially President Biden taking unilateral control rapidly through executive orders.

Chumley told CBN News, “If one marker of Socialism is an overburdensome, overreaching government, then a president who spends his first couple of weeks in office doing nothing but signing executive orders is certainly advancing Socialist principles.”


Financial Issues” radio and TV host Dan Celia pointed out how backers of Socialism try to strike quickly because it’s often unpopular with the people.

“Any time Socialism has entered into a government, an economy, it moved very quickly,” Celia asserted. “And I got to tell you, there are things moving in lightning speed right now. They have to move fast because they can’t allow anybody to realize it and try to correct it.” READ MORE