(OPINION) Express – Bible prophecy attributed to the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah states peace will descend on the Middle East after God wipes out the Iranian regime, at least according to one Christian conspiracy blog.

Many of the Bible’s prophetic books describe cataclysmic events that will befall the Earth in the days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Gospels, for instance, warned of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, and Christian persecution before His return. Passages in 2 Peter 3 speak of the heavens being of fire on the day of the Lord’s return, and Daniel 2:44 states God will crush all kingdoms so that none stand above His own.

The Bible also speaks of turbulent times ahead for God’s chosen people in Israel. According to the Christian conspiracy blog Bible Prophecy – Signposts of the Times, the Bible has warned of a threat in the east – Iran. The blog’s authors have previously claimed Iran will invade Israel in the End Times, but have now argued respite could come with divine intervention. The blog said: “The Bible tells us that there will be peace between Israel and her current Middle-East provocateur’s.


“However it will not occur until God is finished with his judgment of these nations and a future peace will only exist during the future Millennial reign of Jesus Christ.” Many groups of Christians worldwide wait for the day of the Second Coming, believing Christ will descend to Earth to build His 1,000-year kingdom.

Interpretations of the Bible suggest Jesus will build His kingdom after banishing the Antichrist and his hosts during the Great Tribulation. All of this will supposedly happen after the Rapture – the sudden disappearance of Christians – but many of the world’s nations will still be around. READ MORE