(OPINION) The Sun – Qanon believers are convinced that Donald Trump will return to the White House next week after a “military investigation” into President Joe Biden. The baseless claim is just the latest peddled by the QAnon crowd, who have been spreading conspiracy theories to millions worldwide over the past few years.

March 4 has become the latest date which the QAnon conspiracy storm is swirling around as proponents believe Trump will somehow be reinstalled as president. QAnon is a wide-ranging belief that covers all manner of outlandish claims, but its most central tenant is that Trump has been waging a secret war on a cabal of child-eating satanic pedophiles.

The latest bizarre connecting of the dots pushes that Trump will be “inaugurated” on March 4 and will be installed as the 19th President of the United States – rolling back the union to the form it had in 1871. Despite all their predictions failing to materialize and Biden being inaugurated as the president,


many Q believers have continued to insist that Trump is still pulling the strings behind the scenes. Closely tied to falsehoods about the election being stolen pushed by Trump and his most hardcore allies, the conspiracy theorists are claiming a Myanmar-Esque coup is about to happen in the US. READ MORE