(FW) – Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best has just announced she’s stepping down. She made her decision public on the same day the city council approved cutting the police department by nearly $4 million and 100 officers.

You might not hear it from media outlets, but in Portland, more than 270 federal officers have been injured protecting buildings since May. And here in Seattle, one day of recent rioting led to 59 officers getting wounded by rocks, bottles, and improvised explosives.

Still, even though nightly violence and skyrocketing crime rock American cities, some politicians are echoing the call to defund or even abolish the police. Here, business owners board up stores for protection from groups like Antifa while their city council members demand cuts in police budgets.


Seattle Council Member Kshama Swant said, “Today I am unveiling our budget proposal to defund Seattle Police Department by 50% right now, for the rest of the year 2020 and to take that money and invest in black and brown communities.” The impact of this war on cops can be devastating, according to Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins. And as the only US representative still certified as a law enforcement officer, Higgins has frontline experience. READ MORE


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