(ETH) – A march and rally that began peacefully in Kenosha took a turn towards the end when one man introduced as “our president” made a chilling statement saying:

“If you kill one of us, it’s time for us to kill one of yours.” According to a report from a local affiliate, The man said: “I love being black. I love black people. I know some of you may not want to say that … You tell us how to behave when you have taken our lives.

The black man is worth something. His life is worth something. I have to say god d**n it – if you kill one of us, it’s time for us to kill one of yours. I know everybody doesn’t want to hear that. But da** why are we the ones who have to keep burying ours and got to keep clean for you to see us as being human? We ain’t never did nothing to nobody.”



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