(ETH) – The days of cashiers may soon be coming to an end quicker than we thought as a new report is indicating that we will likely be seeing Amazon Go-like concepts replacing traditional cashiers from everywhere from grocery chains, gas stations, stadiums, and the list goes on and Mastercard just announced that it’s joining the effort to create more of these kinds of cashierless stores, unveiling a platform it calls Shop Anywhere.

The report from C/NET  indicates that it has partnered with retail tech company Accel Robotics to create a handful of new test concepts that allow customers to check into a store, grab what they want, and walk out.  The team recently created a new self-service Dunkin’ store that allows people to check-in at a kiosk, purchase doughnuts and coffee, and leave without ever stopping at a cashier.

Instead, the stores will be employed with workers to restock items and provide customer service, but no registers will be found. “Even prior to COVID, the evolution of frictionless experiences is something we were seeing retailers investing in and testing already,” said Stephane Wyper, senior vice president of retail innovation for Mastercard.


“Based on the demand we’re seeing, we expect this to grow and expand. It’s not just about the US, we see it as a global trend.” There is a growing trend by retailers to reinvent shopping by doing away with cash registers and the lines that come with them.


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