ATTENTION: The following view and opinion does not reflect that of End Time Headlines

OPINION (Relevant) – We live in strange times. Australia is on fire. The President of the United States is on trial. Russia is definitely up to something. Weird stuff, to be sure, but is it a sign of the end times, as prophesied in Revelation? Probably not. But there is a potential new sign of the end times among us: the Kansas City Chiefs are bound for the Super Bowl. And if they win, that will be a sign of the coming revival that will sweep the world and herald the beginning of the end.

That is, at least, according to this viral Facebook post. So … Shawn Bolz is an author of several books on prophecy and host of TV shows on places like CBN and TBN. He wrote on Facebook that he heard someone else tell him that God had told him that “the chiefs would go to the Super Bowl and win it. He shared that when they won it would be a sign of upcoming and end time revival.” This isn’t the Bob Jones of Bob Jones University infamy.


This Jones was the leader of the Kansas City Prophets — a precursor to the International House of Prayer (IHOP). Jones prophesied a lot and had what we might charitably call an “uneven” track record. Jones, who passed away in 2014, said that the archangel Gabriel visited him when he was 7 years old, blew a trumpet in his face and hurled a bull skin at young Bob’s feet. READ MORE