(Express) – The Ring of Fire in the Pacific has become very active as officials detected more than 50 tremors throughout the region. One of the largest was a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Indonesia. Earthquakes have emerged all over the world today, as the United States Geological Survey (USGS) detected more than 50 in and around the Ring of Fire.

Most of the earthquakes were small, but some surged into damaging magnitudes of four or more.  Most rocked the Pacific Ring of Fire as low-magnitude tremors, with an average magnitude of 2.9. However, some earthquakes emerged with a lot more power, packing magnitudes of six and above.

One earthquake hammered the coast of Indonesia in the Java Sea with a high magnitude of 6.2. In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, which emerged this evening at 6.12 pm local time (11 am GMT) at a depth of 267 miles, the USGS released a green pager warning. READ MORE
