(ETH) – The plague of locusts that the UN has warned could lead to catastrophic famine for millions has left a trail of destruction across East Africa and is stretching across Yemen, Iran, Pakistan, and India and is now multiplying by the millions and broadening their reach as far as China. According to CBN, The swarm sweeping across much of east Africa is the greatest concern for those already facing food shortages.

“India, Pakistan, Iran, China are not dealing with acute food shortages and are not so much at risk,” Thomas said. “The biggest concern are those living in Africa. The planting and the harvest season happens between now and June. Eighteen million to 20 million are already facing food shortages and this is making it worse.”

If the plague of locusts is this bad now what is going to happen if the dire prediction of the Food and Agriculture Organization comes to pass? They are warning that with more rains expected in the region in the coming weeks, the number of locusts if unchecked could grow by up to 500 times by June when drier weather is expected.



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