OPINION (CBN) – The beloved PBS Kids series “Clifford the Big Red Dog” has become the second PBS children’s series to feature a recurring LGBT character. “Clifford” is based on the popular children’s book character of the same name. The television series follows the adventures of a girl named Emily Elizabeth and her monstrous red dog named Clifford, who’s just about the size of the house in which Emily and her family live.

According to ChristianHeadlines.com, the series was retooled last year for PBS and Amazon Prime with new animation and new voice actors. Two lesbian characters were introduced in an episode titled “The Big Red Tomato/Dogbo,” when one of Emily’s friends brings her two moms to a dinner party. The two characters are not identified in the episode, but ChristianHeadlines.com notes the episode’s credits label them as “Dr. Mulberry” and “Mrs. Mulberry.”

As CBN News reported last year, the PBS series “Arthur” was accused of “brainwashing kids” after the show featured a gay wedding. In the premiere titled “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone,” Arthur and his friends attend their teacher’s wedding. The group thinks that their teacher is marrying female rat, Patty, until they realize she’s his sister, according to Entertainment Weekly. READ MORE




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