OPINION (God Updates) – While her heart was stopped for 11 minutes, Charlotte Holmes went to Heaven and came back. And she’s got such an inspirational story to share! In September 2019, Missouri woman Charlotte Holmes and her husband, Danny, thought they were headed to a routine checkup with the cardiologist.

But what happened that day ended up defying anything the couple could have ever expected! At the appointment, Charlotte’s blood pressure measured an alarming 234/134. And the cardiologist immediately sent Charlotte to the hospital. “I’ve always had trouble with my blood pressure, and I’ve been in the hospital two or three times before when they put me on IV medication to bring it down,” she said.


Three days later, though, Charlotte was still in the hospital. And all of a sudden, things went from bad to worse. “They had just given me a sponge bath in my bed, and they were putting a clean hospital gown on me when it happened,” Charlotte says. “I can’t remember anything about that moment, but Danny said I just fell over, and one of the nurses said, ‘Oh my gosh. She’s not breathing’.” Medical staff rushed into the hospital room as the nurse yelled for help. Danny watched as his wife’s lifeless eyes stared off one of the nurses started chest compressions. READ MORE