(ETH) – Saudi Arabia is currently experiencing a bitter cold snap, coupled with active and sometimes strong winds, mainly in the northern regions. According to a Renowned weather expert, Muad Al-Ahmadi called the cold spell as “Muqarqaa Al-Baiban.” Speaking to Al Arabiya.net, he said that the cold wave that started a few days ago will continue for another two weeks and urged people to take utmost vigil, precaution, and safety measures during this period. He went on to say:

“The first wave started last Tuesday, and its climax was on Wednesday and Thursday, and that ended on Friday, while the second wave, which is the strongest and hardest, began Saturday, and would continue till midweek,”
he said adding that this will be the strongest ever cold snap than the past waves.

Hussain Al-Qahtani, a spokesman of the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection, also came out recently and warned that all regions of the Kingdom would be struck by extreme cold waves with a sharp fall in temperature with the northern regions witnessing sub-zero temperatures.”
