(OPINION) Charisma – Idolizing people has forever been the norm in the world. Sadly, the church is catching up, and fast. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jer. 17:9, ESV)

For as long as any of us can remember, the adoration of celebrities, athletes and others in the public eye has been rampant in our society. Kids and adults alike are endeavoring to become Instagram- and YouTube-famous. The red carpet, paparazzi life is the dream for many. Others are satisfied being awestruck and starstruck. Yes, this article is about people worship, but it’s not really about the run-of-the-mill movie star fantasy. I’m going to take it a level deeper.  The hearts of the children of man are full of evil, and madness is in their hearts while they live, and after that, they go to the dead (Ecc. 9:3).

Looking beyond the glitz and glamour we will discover a wicked and brilliant strategy of the enemy to exalt mankind and, in process, destroy all who are seduced. Our current generation, both the lost and the redeemed, has elevated mere humans into a status just south of deity.


Tolerance has been the mantra of our secular society for the last decade. This demonic game plan has been wildly successful as what was once clearly an abomination has been established as normal and protected. People who embrace deviant ideologies are not only guarded but promoted. The argument is that people are supreme and their lifestyles, no matter what the Word of God has to say on the matter, are valid.

In the church we see the same mindset manifesting in a different way. For many, evangelism has shifted in recent years from calling people out of sin to communicating how wonderful they are. Again, the focus is on their supposed value as opposed to their hopelessness and depraved state. READ MORE