SS – There are now over 6,000 sinkholes around the Dead Sea on the Israeli side. This compares to 40 in 1990, with the first sinkhole appearing in the 1980s. The Dead Sea is drying up at an incredible rate leaving huge chasms of empty space in its wake. These enormous craters appear in the form of large, devastating sinkholes – some as deep as eight-story buildings – and are increasing in number throughout the region.

Experts claim they are now forming at a rate of nearly one a day, but have no way of knowing when or how they will show up. On the Israeli side alone, more than 6,000 sinkholes exist along the banks of the Dead Sea. This compares to just 40 counted in 1990, with the first sinkhole appearing in the 1980s. Some of these craters dive 80 feet into the ground – the equivalent of about an eight-story building. READ MORE
