Daily Mail – Scientists claim they have observed a fifth force of nature that could transform our understanding of how the universe works. Researchers at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have revealed results that could show it in action. They saw an excited, decaying helium atom emit light when the particles split in a strange way that could not be explained by the current understanding of physics. It was the second time lead scientist Attila Krasznahorkay and his team had seen the new particle they called X17.

They found its mass to be 17 megaelectronvolts. Mr. Krasznahorkay told CNN: ‘X17 could be a particle, which connects our visible world with the dark matter.’ Professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California, Irvine, Jonathan Feng, who has closely watched the Mr. Krasznahorkay’s team’s efforts, said it could be a ‘game-changer’, adding if it could be replicated, ‘this would be a no-brainer Nobel Prize’. It comes three years after the Hungarian team spotted an anomaly in radioactive decay, suggesting the existence of a new particle. READ MORE
