(The Sun) – NASA is reportedly investigating a video showing what appears to be a silver “flying saucer” darting through a deadly storm in Alicante. Computer scientist Alejandro Molla filmed this footage during the electrical storm yesterday. The video appears to show a silver disc moving through the clouds. Spanish news outlet Agencia 6 (A6) says it has been inundated with requests from UFO and weather enthusiasts since sharing the clip online.

Among the interested parties is NASA, who has asked for the original footage, the news station claims. According to A6, a similar sighting was reported by NASA in skies over Wisconsin last July. Thunder and lightning reportedly woke Alejandro in the early hours. He then shot the footage on his phone. The University of Alicante then analyzed the film – and spotted “something weird”, Alejandro claims. He told A6 : “It is an honor to be able to collaborate with some images that could be the appearance of the first UFO in Alicante.” READ MORE
